Selasa, 16 Juni 2009

Investing in a Sure-Thing

There is a common tendency, in times of economic down-turn and uncertainty, to look for the 'sure-thing' - something that can put fears to rest and help reduce anxiety. In such times, individuals with high self-confidence and self-esteem thrive and prosper by capitalizing on the lack of inspired competition. While everyone is looking for ways of cutting back and reducing overall costs, it is important to remember that though times may be tough now, it is critical that we continue to invest - both time and money - in the things that will endure long beyond the recession, namely, our families and personal relationships.

With enough negative information in the media surrounding the state of the global economy and the same message often being echoed in the workplace, now more than ever, we need to draw our strength and confidence from the people closest to us. The home is our refuge. It is also a place to get re-energized and inspired; to give love and receive love. While it is easy to get wrapped up with resume writing, social networking, job-fairs and head-hunters, we need to make time for each other. This time, however we chose to spend it, is invaluable to all our other aspirations.

The boost to one's feeling of self-worth, acceptance and value as a human being received at home will propagate and permeate all other aspects of our life. A positive sense of self will translate to a more upright posture, greater tendency to smile, a firmer handshake, a confident 'can-do' attitude and the belief that I have value to your organization, company or enterprise and you will miss out if I walk out of here because I can make it happen: I'm a sure thing.

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