Jumat, 10 Juli 2009


A mail-order business is a great business to start, either part-time or 
full-time. It's exciting, because it's always changing, and it can be very 
profitable, if run correctly. One important thing to remember, though, is 
that mail-order businesses are easy to start, but take work to maintain.  

Don't believe the hype you hear about making millions overnight in mail-order. It's happened to a few lucky fools, but that's about it. You have to use your head in mail-order, if you want to survive.  
There are five extremely crucial rules to remember when running a mail-order business. You still won't be guaranteed success, but it will be a whole lot easier, if you follow 
these rules.

  Too many people jump into a mail-order business with an expensive, 
  flashy full-page ad in a big magazine. That's great IF it's successful, 
  but what do you do when your ad only pulls enough orders to cover it's 
  cost, and you have no marketing budget left for new ads? Lick your 
  wounds, and close down your business.  
  The smart thing to do at the start (and throughout your mail-order career)
  is to take advantage of all the free and low cost marketing options at your 
  You say you don't know about any? Well, here are some ideas. 
  Send a sample of your product along with a press release to the products
  reviewers at the magazines your customers read. Also, write a short article about a 
  subject or issue that will interest your potential customers and that 
  has a connection to the product you sell, and submit it to those same 
  For example, if you sell bass fishing lures, write an article 
  on the best times of the day for bass fishing. 
  Offer to talk about the subject on radio or TV talk shows regarding this subject.
  Cable TV, in particular, has plenty of talk shows with specific audiences that are 
  desperately in need of guests.
  In all of these instances, include a short paragraph with information on 
  how to contact you and a general description of the products or services 
  you sell. Offer your articles or expertise for free, in return for this 
  paragraph either appearing at the end of your article, or being read 
  after the interview.
  Marketing yourself as an expert in your business will get you far more 
  publicity than placing an expensive ad, and it's virtually free, except 
  for your time, a few stamps and a few phone calls. It works for me, 
  and I know it can work for you.

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